The Who   Projects   Tutorials   Certifications

Classification System

Classification modeling using the MNIST dataset and algorithms like SGD, k-NN, SVM and Random Forests to correctly classify some images (numbers)..


Python NumPy scikit-learn Matplotlib

California Housing Prices prediction

An end-to-end project using both descriptive and predictive methods such as EDA, regression and others to analyze and predict California housing prices.


Python Pandas NumPy scikit-learn Matplotlib

Hands-On ggplot2

A hands-on the most simple and efficient plot library I’ve worked with, as part of a Google certification, and some additional tests guided by my curiosity. The Palmerpenguins classical dataset was used to elaborate several types of charts.

GitHub   RPubs

R Tidyverse

Streamlit Dashboard

Software like Power BI, Tableau and Looker Studio provide a relatively simple way to build dashboards, but offer less flexibility. Given that, libraries like streamlit or dash are able to fulfill the needs of more advanced users and problems.

Python Dash

Python Pandas Regex Jupyter Altair

Python for data analysis

To stay updated in any subject, a believe the most efficient way is to constantly exercise and search for challenges related to it, also keeping regular readings. Here, you’ll find some of my first practice files.

Python Pandas Regex Jupyter

PET Estatística UFC

I was part of the team in 2022 and produced content about Python, R and G. Sheets within data analysis and data science themes (mainly EDA subjects). Also acted as the group’s treasurer and researcher.

Python Pandas NumPy Regex Jupyter G. Sheets